For translation and interpreting request, feel free to contact me at I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
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I translate texts from Spanish, Serbian/ Croatian/ Bosnian and English, interprete, and help people self-study languages effectively.
Sworn translations for the language pair German – Spanish as well as general and technical translations from Spanish, Serbian/ Croatian/ Bosnian and English into German
Professional interpreting service for the language pair German – Spanish for conferences, negotiations, official matters and much more
Time to think outside the textbook! Story and Language Lab is an online community and a hub for comprehensible input designed to unlock your potential in Spanish. We read, write and talk about topics we care about, so you can experience Spanish-speaking countries beneath the surface.
At the age of 17, I had the chance to go abroad for the first time: During the holidays of my first job training, I did an internship in a hotel in France.
A year later, I spent a year a a fishing village in Ecuador and some more years later, another year in Montevideo, Uruguay. Not only did these two stays show me the different linguistic and cultural facets of South America – they also shaped me as a person and left me with some questions about the world and myself that I still haven't found the answers to.
After that, I spent a longer period of time in Serbia – a stay that I embarked on with nearly no prior knowledge of the language. What began with the intention of learning Serbian as fast as possible soon turned into a personal project, in which I now help others self-study languages.
(…) La Comisión Nacional de Uruguay para la UNESCO necesita traducciones de documentos y sus acuerdos e intercambios con el más alto nivel de calidad y siempre ‘a contrarreloj’. Trabajar con Annika como traductora fue la oportunidad para conocer a una gran profesional siempre dispuesta a poner sus conocimientos al servicio de la tarea.
National Commission for UNESCO in Montevideo
about collaboration
Seit September 2020 arbeiten wir regelmäßig mit Frau Zang zusammen. (…) Das Unternehmen Fremdsprachendienst Intertext Erfurt hat sich auf beglaubigte Übersetzungen von Urkunden und Dokumenten, aber auch auf strafrechtliche Texte spezialisiert. Frau Zang ist in beiden Bereichen für uns tätig, sowohl ins Spanische als auch Übersetzungen aus dem Spanischen. Ihre Arbeiten sind von viel Sorgfalt und Präzision geprägt, Termine hält sie verlässlich ein. Wir können Frau Zang für jede Agentur weiterempfehlen.
Intertext Erfurt e.G.
about translations in the field of penal law and official documents
(…) Los servicios brindados por Annika fueron extremadamente profesionales por su parte, (…) Logró que ambas que necesitaban la traducción para lograr el entendimiento, pudieran comunicarse perfectamente y evacuar las dudas, logrando una fluidez en la comunicación. (…)
National Direction of Topography of the Uruguayan Ministry of Transportation and Construction
about interpretation of multiple negotiations within an expropriation process
For more details, click here:
For translation and interpreting request, feel free to contact me at I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
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